This is Ganesh Kumar signing in to share what I learned from my humanitarian mission in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

First of all, it is EXTREMELY HOT here hitting the temperature of 90℉ and it is monsoon season, too. In the past week, I have visited a total of 2 nonprofits to meet them in person to understand their dire needs to set the goals for our future humanitarian missions. Though my trip involved a few national highways with four lanes, some were crowded roads shared by automobiles and occasionally by 4 legged animals. Very interesting travel to the project sites to say the least. My first stop was Lepra Society, a non governmental Organization which deals with public health issues and communicable diseases offering services through referral centers and mobile health facilities. I coordinated with Mr. Hari Krishna, the field manager, and Mrs. Kasturi Kilaru, the media head to plan an in-person visit to their field hospital. Mr. Hari Krishna and I met Mr. Kamesh, the project lead at their site to meet the patients with leprosy and learn more about the goals of LEPRA Society. Upon meeting Mr. Kamesh, I took a tour of the facility, and learned the ways the disease spreads, the treatment process, rehabilitation services Lepra Society provides to the patients to become productive members of the community. It was shocking to note that Leprosy is still prevalent in India. During our meeting, the staff indicated that they were interested in the Public Health aspect of Project Jatropha and wished for a possible collaboration to help their patient population. We enlisted financial help to support a child’s education for 2022.After my return to California, I plan on meeting with the Public Health Team led by our medical Director Dr. Navya Narendra to discuss the possible avenues to establish a collaboration. 

Our second stop at Manchikalalu, a nongovernmental organization whose Motto is from Streets to Society. Their mission is to give guidance to orphaned children and help them to be productive citizens of the society. I was privileged to meet and connect with the staff, Mr. Sharath, and students to understand their mission and goals in life. We enlisted financial help to buy the basic clothing and household provision. As I finish my diary entry today, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have a privileged life in California. My experiences in the past week  have motivated me and fueled my desire to help the children from underserved communities through Project Jatropha.